
Comitato esecutivo

Eddy De Vita Presidente PHSE

Eddy De Vita presidente esecutivo di PHSE. E' stato prima imprenditore con Pharmalogistics, azienda leader nel 3PL pharma in Italia. Successivamente dopo l'acquisizione da parte di DHL/EXEL, diventa amministratore delegato e presidente di DHL supplychain italia ed EMEA lifescience.

Eddy De Vita


Andrea è l'Amministratore delegato/Ceo dell'azienda, nonchè uno dei due co-founder. Si occupa della finanza aziendale, acquisti e amministrazione. Sovrordina alle strategie dell'azienda. E' riservato ma autorevole ed obiettivo

Andrea Cerchia


Carlo è il Direttore operativo ed il fratello maggiore, co-founder dell'azienda. Appassionato di tecnologia, packaging e design contemporaneo, a lui afferrisce la divisione IT e la gestione operativa. E' estroverso e sempre alla ricerca di innovazione e perfezionismo.

Carlo Cerchia

Direttore Operativo

Gianluca, il più giovane tra i tre, è il Direttore commerciale del gruppo. Dinamico, entusiasta e creativo. Umile ma caparbio e ambizioso, è sempre orientato all'obiettivo. Si occupa anche di marketing e comunicazione.

Gianluca Meneguzzi

Global Sales & Business Development

Il management dell’azienda ha una decennale esperienza nel mondo della logistica farmaceutica, ma nonostante questo il personale di PHSE ha un’età media di circa 35 anni.

Lo scopo che ci poniamo è: motivare il personale formandolo e dandogli opportunità di carriera in un ambiente dinamico, stimolante e informale per promuoverne appieno le capacità individuali e di gruppo.

Un ambiente dove il “problem solving” costituisce un aspetto del lavoro quotidiano.

Monitoriamo ed implementiamo costantemente le nostre “SOPs” (Standard Operating Procedures) ed il “quality management” per essere sempre un passo avanti in caso di audits esterne da parte dei nostri clienti.

Ogni nostro operatore è capace di gestire, se richiesto, uno specifico cliente in maniera globale (import, export, nazionale). Ciò da un lato fidelizza i nostri clienti dall’altro permette al nostro operatore di avere una conoscenza approfondita delle esigenze e della supply chain del cliente stesso.

Il Management


Giovanna has been serving PHSE for more than 15 years. She's also Ceo assistant and manages more than 12 resources in her department. She's mum of 2 girl 6 and 2 old

Giovanna Vitale

Global head of HR and Admin

Alessandro has got more than 30 years experience in freight forwarding, express courier and customs clearance. He likes playing golf and ride horses. He's proudly father of one daughter, 4 old

Alessandro Colasi

Head of International Department

Salvatore is senior expert of cargo and courier IT systems. He coordinates a team of 5 people he is a good rugby player. 2 kids 15 and 20 old

Salvatore Punzi

Global Information Technology

Francesco has responsability to manage and coordinate logistics and customer service for all distribution activities. He is a Rome soccer fan and dad of a daughter, 8 years old. His dog name is Ozzy

Francesco Mattei

National Distribution Manager

Claudio is sales manager in phse italy and innoplus. before he had sales experience at a leading express courier. he likes reading, philosophy, watching movies and Yoga

Claudio Bellotti

Sales Manager

Denise has over 20 years of experience in the logistics of pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.she has focused on the operational and quality aspects of the supply chain applying the lean six-sigma methodology to deliver the best possible service to the client. Denise has her Master’s Degree in International Relations and Affairs.

Denise Guerra

Client Services/Quality Assurance Manager

Mark brings with him over 30 years of experience in all aspects of the transportation and logistics industry like cold chain (clinical trials, direct to patient, and live animal transport), dangerous goods and vendor management, and regulatory compliance.

Mark Ayala

Director of Operations

Georgette has over 20 years of experience in the logistics life sciences industry.Georgette’s key role is to oversee the development and growth of the USA market.she has a degree in Transportation and Logistics Management.

Georgette Caracciolo

Sales Operations Manager

John, with more than 20 yrs of experience, works one on one with clients to help develop customized transportation solutions for companies involved in biopharma,Hi/Med-Tech,Agricultural industries. His extensive knowledge in coldchain helps to ensure that clients achieve their logistics goals

John Racine

Director of Business Development







He has been working for 20 years in the coldchain and life science logistics as senior manager and apac director in different companies. Vast knowledge of dg and passive packaging solutions. Muraliy has 3 children and he likes watching movies and playing football

Muraliy Dharann

APAC Operations Director

Raj brings with him, 8 over years of handling Healthcare Life-Science, Aircraft on Ground (AOG) & Dangerous Goods. Passion towards the healthcare industry encouraged him to execute operations and develop business prospects with utmost dedication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Raj has got 1 child one year old and loves to venture food

Rajkumar Naranisamy

Senior Operations and Sales Executive