PHSE is an IATA agent and it is waiting for CEIV certificate, always in touch with top carriers that handle critical and sensitive shipments.
Our specialty is door-to-door service, asking for the first available flight. Each request can be customized by the use of appropriate incoterms and appropriate passive or active boxes.
We provide the best solutions in the market for the storage of your products, advising the appropriate brand for the related shipment.
Moreover, the subsidiary Innoplus develops and produces validated temperature-controlled packaging, refrigerated gel packs and dry ice.
Delivery time and temperature tracking are our prime focus
We minimize the risks, choosing the best solution for the packaging and the flight
We analyze each detail
We provide legal and documental assistances
Same day flight - Volo stesso giorno del ritiro
Next flight out - Primo volo utile
Project Cargo - Spedizioni ad hoc
Live animals - Animali vivi
OBC - On board courier - Spedizione con uomo a bordo
Heavy shipments and Oversize - Spedizioni grandi con dimensioni particolari
Full DGR - Qualsiasi merce pericolosa e compilazione shipper declaration
AOG - Aircraft on Ground